
What is Presto?

Presto is the Let's Play Music curriculum leveled up to appeal to and meet the needs of the 7-12 year old child. As you may know, Let's Play Music was created for the 4 or 5 year old child, capitalizing on the brain's music learning window. As beloved as the Let's Play Music program has become, many families don't discover Let's Play Music until their child is 7 or older. Over the years, as the company received mutiple, persistent requests to offer the program to older students, we learned that the games and songs that appeal to the 4, 5 or 6 year old child don't appeal to the 7, 9 or 11 year old child. Then in 2010, Annalee Dinkle joined the company as a teacher. After teaching for a few years, Annalee approached the company with her ideas to tailor the tried and true Let's Play Music method to appeal to the older beginner. Armed with her piano performance degree and passion for the needs of the older beginner, Annalee crafted brand new songs and games around the Let's Play Music curriculum and Presto was born! This dynamic small group piano and music course follows the school calendar from August - May. After Presto's two year curriculum children are ready to advance to private piano lessons or another instrument of their choice.

Who is Presto for?

Presto is for the beginning pianist, whether they have had a year or so of private piano lessons or no piano lessons at all. Because the interests and development of children ages 7-12 vary dramatically, Presto classes are organized by age group: 7 & 8 year olds, 9 & 10 year olds, and 11 & 12 year olds. 

What Can I Expect My Child to Learn in Presto?

Presto teaches so much more than piano! We teach COMPLETE musicianship: vocal training, ear training, sight reading, music theory, rhythm, music history, proper piano technique, and we do it in a fun, snappy style that tweens love! Most likely, those students who already have had a year or so of piano haven't studied all areas of music. In fact, they most likely have only dabbled a little in rhythm, have some note reading skills, and developed some finger strength. We include an optional "challenge" section written into the Presto curriculum to satisfy the appetite of hard working students and that of students who already have finger dexterity built from previous piano lessons.

How Often Do Parents Attend Class?

Students attend class on their own. Parents are invited to the very last class to celebrate accomplishment with their child.  

How Much Does it Cost?

Studio Fees: $45 per student per year

Tuition: $110/month or $450/semester when paid upfront on the first day of classes

Student Materials: $74 for Presto Year One | $70 for Presto Year Two

What are Student Materials?

Student Materials include a tote bag and semester workbooks, songbooks, album downloads, and flashcards

What Do Students Need at Home? Are Students Required to Have a Piano?

Yes. Students need:

  • a fully functioning, in-tune acoustic piano or digital piano with 88 weighted keys
  • a seat or bench the appropriate height for the child
  • a footstool for children with shorter legs
  • access to the semester albums for listening as well as practicing at the piano
  • a metronome or a metronome app on their device
  • time and support at home for daily practice

Do You Offer a Free Trial?

Yes. Contact me to get in on an upcoming Sample Class: rosalynfrancis@letsplaymusicsite.com


Still want more? Explore the Let's Play Music website: https://www.letsplaymusicsite.com/presto/why-presto